Things to Do On Angel Island | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
A visitor enjoys the wide views from Angel Island

Things to Do
On Angel Island

享受天使岛一日游,在移民站了解它作为“西部埃利斯岛”的历史, 以及在岛上众多的自然小径上欣赏令人惊叹的景色.

Angel Island is often considered the “less famous” Alcatraz但这仅仅意味着它不那么拥挤,也不那么昂贵. It’s also the “one-stop-shop” of day trip getaways. History tours, hiking, biking, and a cute café by the water—this island’s got it all, and it’s easy to do most of it in a single day.

Where is Angel Island?

天使岛坐落在贝博体彩app湾的中央,是海湾中的第二大岛. The island is so large that on a clear day, 从岛的北侧可以看到索诺玛和纳帕县, and San Jose can be seen from the south side!


浣熊海峡将该岛与马林县大陆隔开, 水深约为90英尺(27米). 留意当地的海洋生物,包括海狮和海豚.

A Day on Angel Island

Start your Angel Island adventure with the 9:20 a.m. ferry from the San Francisco Ferry Terminal. 您的第一站是移民站,在导游的带领下参观博物馆. (小贴士:不要乘坐拥挤的电车,选择20分钟的步行.)

Often called the “Ellis Island of the West,天使岛(Angel Island)是美国西海岸亚洲移民的聚集地.S. citizenship. 尽管许多原始建筑在1940年的一场大火中被毁, 取而代之的是教育纪念碑, among other things, the Chinese immigrant experience. 由于中国严格的移民法,一些中国人被关押在岛上多年! The park rangers also offer informative, one-hour tours of the station and barracks.

在这趟时光倒流之旅之后,沿着北岭步道走一段更自然的旅程. 这条小路标记清晰,充满了令人惊叹的景色,而且还算容易走. It only takes about an hour to reach the top of Mt. Livermore. 在山顶,坐在野餐桌上享受贝博体彩app湾360度的景色. 天使岛的这一部分比其他一些景点要少得多, so you can enjoy the views virtually to yourself.

从山的另一边爬下风景优美的45分钟后, on Fire Road Trail, enjoy a quick lemonade at the waterfront Angel Island Cafe. 这家咖啡馆就在水上,也提供大量的三明治, salads and Hog Island Oysters for a reasonable price. 他们经常在周末演出当地乐队的现场音乐. 然后登上轮渡,不到一个小时你就能回到城里.

给骑自行车的人的提示:岛上有一条自行车道, and you can either bring your own bike or rent one at Angel Island Company Rentals. 租金是每小时16美元,一天64美元,包括一个头盔. It is also possible to camp 在天使岛的11个营地中的一个过夜.

Directions to Angel Island

Angel Island can only be accessed by boat. 除了维修和紧急车辆外,岛上没有汽车.

乘坐渡轮从贝博体彩app(渡轮大厦)上 Golden Gate Ferry or from Tiburon (downtown) on the Angel Island Tiburon Ferry. 整个旅程大约需要30分钟,渡轮上午9:20从贝博体彩app出发.m. and from Tiburon starting at 10 a.m. Extra ferries run on weekends. 

Tickets cost $14.从贝博体彩app出发的成人单程00美元(您需要购买往返票),也可以购买 online in advance. The Golden Gate Ferry accepts Clipper Cards.

Tickets cost $17.40张从蒂伯隆出发的成人往返机票,可以购买 online or at the terminal (depending on space availability). This ferry does not accept Clipper Cards. 

Carol High
Carol High

Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, food & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩》和《贝博体彩app》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, nonprofits, and government. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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