Everything You Need to Know About The 日本 Tea Garden | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

Everything You Need to Know About The 日本 Tea Garden

This tranquil escape within 金门公园 is full of history, culture, and beauty.

有很多 激动人心的景点 in San Francisco to enjoy; but when you want serenity, 宁静, 与和谐, 参观贝博体彩app的日本茶园.

你会在贝博体彩app的中心找到这片绿洲 金门公园. 这是这座城市最安静、保存最好的角落之一. The intricate design and greenery calm all who enter looking to escape noisy urban life. The garden also happens to be the oldest continuously maintained 日本 public garden outside of Japan, 自1894年以来一直吸引着游客.

Follow our guide to best enjoy the five acres of natural beauty at the 日本 Tea Garden. 


In 1894, California held a Midwinter International Exposition. It was on this site, originally just one acre, that a 日本-style garden was built.

交易会结束后, Makoto Hagiwara, 日本景观设计师, was tasked with maintaining the property as a permanent garden. 这成了萩原一生的激情所在. 作为官方看守人, 他充满爱意地播种, 往往, 照顾树木和植物, expanding this masterpiece until it encompassed nearly five acres. Some of the trees in this garden are more than one hundred years old.



日本茶园是由岩石雕刻而成的, “干燥”或禅宗花园, 日本建筑结构, 和瀑布. Its open spaces contrast with tighter corners of hedges. 这是一个周到的设计贯穿始终, 文化的影响无处不在, 从边缘修剪成像山. Fiji in Japan to the Drum Bridge almost floating over reflective waters below. 


The front gate at the point of entry is a fascinating piece of architecture. Notice that it has been skillfully crafted without the use of nails.

A spectacular structure you can't miss in the Garden is the five-story-tall pagoda. It, 太, 有自己的历史, having been originally constructed for the Panama Pacific International Exhibition of 1915.

The strolling garden is where you can simply wander, weaving your way through the flowers and trees. 在历史悠久的鼓桥上拍照, also called Half-Moon Bridge because of its crescent shape. 

If you’re in a reflective mood, the 9,000-pound bronze Lantern of Peace is a calming presence. It was a gift to symbolize friendship between America and Japan at the end of World War II.

Another blissful spot is the Buddha statue, with its welcoming palms. It is over two hundred years old, first cast in 1790 and gifted to the garden in 1949.

Don’t miss the chance for selfies by the koi pond 和瀑布, either.


After strolling through the Garden, visit the Tea House. 每天都供应传统的茶和小点心.

虽然菜单经常更新, some of the regular offerings you should try include kuzomochi (sweet rice cakes), 哪个有有趣的粘性, 粘稠的质地,有不同的口味(草莓味), 芒果, 绿茶, 和荔枝), 还有红豆烧(一种红豆馅煎饼). On a cold day, savor some hot miso soup or curb your noodle craving with traditional udon.

Of course, you can’t visit without sampling authentic 日本 teas. 选择煎茶(绿茶), 根麦茶(烤绿茶), Hojicha(另一种烤绿茶), 茉莉花茶, 或者冰绿茶. There is also the special tea ceremony Matcha (powdered 绿茶).

Be sure to check out the beautiful keepsakes at the gift shop, 包括釉面陶瓷套装, 日本传统娃娃, 和收藏品,为任何旅游丰富的游客.


The 日本 Tea Garden is located at 75 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, 加州科学院附近, 德扬博物馆, 以及贝博体彩app植物园. 市政 buses and light rail can get you close to various 金门公园 entrances.

The 日本 Tea Garden is open all year long, even on holidays. 夏季时(三月). 1 - 10月. 31) a.m. 至下午五点半.m. 冬季时数(11月). 1 - 2月. 28) a.m. 到下午4:30.m.

非居民成人门票为15美元, 非居民长者及青少年(12-17岁)$7, 非居民儿童(5-11岁)3美元. 4岁以下儿童可免费入场. 购票地点 sfjapaneseteagarden.org.

春天和秋天是游览的好时节, 但无论你在贝博体彩app的哪个季节, 盆景林, 禅意花园, 和茶馆都很受欢迎.  

在夏季的六月, 7月, 和8月, the Garden is generally more frequented by visitors and might not be as peaceful. Many people agree that the best time of the year to visit is spring. Mid-March to April will see cherry blossoms, azaleas, magnolias and more blooming in full color. However, autumn, with its fiery reds and fading orange hues, is also a lovely time.


Aaron是Digital的经理 & 社交媒体营销在贝博体彩app旅游. He has lived in San Francisco for over 10 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过8个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique experience and good food 太! 

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


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