Creativity Explored

The San Francisco Museum Stores With Must-Have Gifts


When you are looking for that special gift to create wonder and delight, 只要看看贝博体彩app世界著名博物馆旁那些令人难以置信的商店就知道了. 

Asian Art Museum

200 Larkin St.

The Asian Art Museum Store is a source of both contemporary and antique traditions. 对特定展览商品的关注探索和扩展了画廊中展示的直接来自亚洲的手工制品. store.asianart.org/

California Academy of Sciences

55 Music Concourse Dr.

The three stores at the California Academy of Sciences offer a wide variety of gifts that are themed to each store. There is the Academy Store, open without museum admission; the Lab Junior for children; and the Swamp Store, which is for aquarium lovers. 许多物品都是由可持续生产和采购的材料制成的,并受到科学和自然世界的启发. http://store.calacademy.org/

Children’s Creativity Museum – Creativity Pop-Up Store

221 Fourth St.

Located next to the museum, the Children’s Creativity Store carries a wide selection of toys, games, 书籍和其他物品肯定会激发各个年龄段孩子的想象力. 不要错过以创意小动物为主题的t恤、手提袋和贴纸. www.creativity.org

Contemporary Jewish Museum

736 Mission St.

The Contemporary Jewish Museum Store offers exhibition-inspired merchandise, art books, contemporary jewelry, modern accessories, innovative design objects, hand-crafted Judaica, and educational kids’ toys and books. http://store.thecjm.org/index.htm

Creativity Explored

3245 16th St.

Creativity Explored 是贝博体彩app一个以工作室为基础的团体,与有发育障碍的艺术家合作,颂扬和培养我们所有人的创造潜力.

de Young Museum Store

50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr.

Located on the de Young’s main concourse and lower levels, 德扬博物馆商店提供大量的艺术书籍和博物馆出版物, distinctive decorative objects, jewelry and home accessories, along with textiles, posters, prints, stationery and educational children’s books and toys, all related to the museum’s permanent collections. de Young博物馆商店还提供定制的按需艺术印刷品和由当地开发的标志性博物馆产品的值得注意的选择, American and international artisans.  Museum admission is not required. 



Pier 15

The Exploratorium’s two stores were inspired by its onsite, viewable exhibit workshop. In the main store at Pier 15, look for a large, 互动三重漩涡展览和樱桃红色的Art-O-Mat自动售货机,分发原创艺术品. 这些商店出售以科学、艺术和技术为重点的独特物品、游戏和书籍. You’ll find a wide variety for both kids and adults.

International Art Museum of America

1025 Market St.

The International Art Museum of America (IAMA) 商店致力于通过提供当地制作的礼物来增强游客的体验, ethically sourced merchandise, 和精心挑选的产品,以反映国际画廊和帮助支持他们的节目.

Legion of Honor Museum Store

100 34th Ave.

Located on the Legion of Honor’s terrace level, 博物馆商店以其精选的艺术史书籍而闻名, elegant home décor items, classic jewelry, 文具和高质量的艺术礼品反映了博物馆的永久收藏. The Legion of Honor Museum Store also features exclusive lines of products, focusing on Paris and influenced by French taste, 为了纪念荣誉军团的起源,它是以18世纪巴黎荣誉宫(Palais de la l gion d’honneur)的四分之三规模改编而成.

Museum of Craft and Design

2569 Third St.

Handcrafted and handpicked, the Museum of Craft and Design 提供一系列美丽的手工珠宝,书籍,家庭用品,陶瓷等. 选择在网上购物或亲自去商店,它就在入口处. http://shop.sfmcd.org/

Museum of the African Diaspora

685 Mission St.

Free without admission, the Museum of the African Diaspora 商店位于一楼,向有兴趣购买纪念品的公众开放. Find a curated selection of books from local writers, black-owned businesses, exhibition catalogs, and authors from across the African Diaspora.


151 Third St.

Shop the SFMOMA 博物馆商店为贝博体彩app的创新设计对象的最佳选择, locally made products, one-of-a-kind jewelry, home furnishings, art books and more. The main store (151 Third St.) is located on the first floor of the museum. For those looking to take home a last-minute gift, you can also find a Museum Store at SFO's International Terminal Main Hall. 在这两个地点的购买所得支持博物馆的展览和教育项目. http://museumstore.sfmoma.org/

San Francisco Railway Museum & Gift Shop

77 Steuart St.

The gift shop in the San Francisco Railway Museum 特色的各种独特的礼物,纪念品和纪念品,不提供其他任何地方. 值得注意的是,f线上所有老式有轨电车的车队海报以及其他独特的马克杯, t-shirts and kids’ items.

SS Jeremiah O’Brien 

Pier 45

Located in the #2 Hold, the SS Jeremiah O’Brien store is generally accessible when visiting the ship. Memorabilia items such as apparel and books serve as great gifts. A few of the store’s items can be purchased online.

Tenderloin Museum

398 Eddy St.

The Tenderloin Museum 庆祝贝博体彩app社区的丰富历史,大多数人认为他们知道. 田德隆区(Tenderloin District)的31个街区是贝博体彩app最后的堡垒,这里曾经居住着移民和反传统者, artists and activists, sinners and saints. 今天参观田德隆博物馆,发现明信片上没有出现的城市. www.tenderloinmuseum.org 


The Walt Disney Family Museum

104 Montgomery St.

The Walt Disney Family Museum has a selection of items that showcase Walt Disney, his vision, and the creations of the artists who pioneered the film, television, and Disney Parks that we enjoy today. Everything from Disney-themed mugs and totes, 收藏娃娃和展览目录可以在华特迪士尼家庭博物馆商店找到. No admission is required. www.waltdisney.org 

Beyond San Francisco

Bay Area Discovery Museum

557 McReynolds Rd., Sausalito

The Discovery Store offers a wide variety of educational, interactive and fun toys for children. A wonderful selection of arts and crafts, music, and toys that focus on creativity and learning related to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) awaits. For some gift giving inspiration, check their website. 探索商店列出了一份最受欢迎的创意礼物清单,这些礼物会给孩子们带来微笑. bayareadiscoverymuseum.org

Charles M. Schulz Museum

Various Locations

The Charles M. Schulz Museum offers a wide variety of novelty items, such as cartooning books, "Peanuts" collections, posters and clothing. A limited edition, signed and numbered, 手工拼贴平版版画也可在博物馆主商店(2301 Hardies Ln)购买.). Their second location, Snoopy’s Gallery and Gift Shop (1665 West Steele Ln.),拥有2400平方英尺的产品,吸引了各个年龄段和口味的《贝博体彩》粉丝. www.schulzmuseum.org/shop

Monterey Bay Aquarium

886 Cannery Row, Monterey

The Monterey Bay Aquarium 提供的项目可在四个不同的礼物和书店位置. 每家商店提供的商品种类略有不同,从毛绒玩具应有尽有, apparel, books and media and souvenirs. http://shop.montereybayaquarium.org/

USS Hornet 

707 W Hornet Ave., Alameda

The USS Hornet’s 博物馆商店直接位于著名的航空母舰的主甲板上,提供书籍, patches, hats and other memorabilia that can bring historic events, from WWII to the Apollo moon landings, to life. www.uss-hornet.org

Author Brenda Tucker
Brenda Tucker

Brenda Tucker is the Director of Arts Marketing at San Francisco Travel. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, after driving cross-country to a home she secured sight unseen. Brenda enjoys swimming out-of-doors year-round, being inspired by the incredible art scene in the City, and living in the best place on earth.

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