

在居民的眼中, 如果你还没去过教会, 那你还没有真正去过贝博体彩app. 从这里开始你的旅程.

贝博体彩app的 任务的区 能声称拥有一些无可争辩的头衔吗. 这是这个城市最古老的街区. 这是这个城市最温暖的街区. To the people who make it run—through their businesses, their art, and their activism—it’s the 城市的中心也.





“我在餐饮业工作了一段时间,贝博体彩app本地人纳比尔·西尔米说, “我觉得有必要继续前进,自己做点什么.” In 2009, Nabeel took a chance on a storefront for lease on 任务 Street and opened 大咖啡以隔壁的老电影院命名.


“At that time, you could only find specialty coffee in upscale neighborhoods. 所以,我想做的是让每个人都能使用它.”

The neighborhood took notice; ten years later, 大咖啡 had reached such success that Nabeel was able to open a second location, 就在一个街区之外.



你需要点动力来完成你的行程? Whether you’re exploring the 任务 or elsewhere, here are some great stops for a caffeine fix.



格兰德咖啡隔壁是外国电影院, an acclaimed restaurant that pairs its meals and cocktails with vintage film screenings. 在城市周围发现更多独特的用餐体验.



There are some long-time San Franciscans who can say that they’ve witnessed the evolution of the 任务; but few can say that they shaped it as definitively as Susan Cervantes has.

执行董事 Precita Eyes壁画家 自1977年以来, Susan’s work as an artist and organizer is visible in the alleys and on the walls of many 任务 buildings—including the enormous Maestra和平 mural that climbs three stories high on the side of The Women’s Building on 18th Street.

苏珊·塞万提斯,Precita Eyes的创始人

你不会在角落里找到她的签名, though; each artwork undertaken by Precita Eyes is a team effort. “We do a community design workshop with everyone that wants to be involved,” she explains. “我们会讨论他们想在壁画中看到什么, 然后一起, 我们把每个人的想法都纳入设计. 没有人被遗漏.”

“You’re giving the community ownership and giving them a voice. That’s what people really like about what we do, and why we’re still here today.”

Visitors to the 任务 will find murals that celebrate Latino history and heritage, 以及那些聚焦更具挑战性主题的作品. 对苏珊和她的壁画家来说,没有什么是禁忌. “There’s a story behind each one, and a strong message,” she says. “Everybody has a different way of approaching it, viewing it, and identifying with it. 我认为这就是它的美妙之处.”

丰富多彩的, large-scale mural covers the side of the Women's Building in San Francisco's 任务的区.


On almost every street, behind almost every corner, there are stories being told in the 任务. 探索附近令人难以置信的壁画收藏.



安帕罗·维吉尔的家庭餐厅, 波全部, was opened by her father and uncles more than 50 years ago—and she’s been a part of it from the beginning. “We were little,” she remembers, “Waiting tables, making food, chopping up things.”

Outsiders may think everyone in San Francisco has some esoteric tech job, 但像安帕罗这样的当地人更清楚. “教会区有很多工人阶级, 愿意做这项工作, 保持联系.”

她每天都能感受到那种社区的感觉. “I walk up 24th Street and say hello to everybody along the way. I come down Valencia Street; the same thing. 我喜欢我认识别人,别人也认识我.”


安帕罗见证了这个社区的演变, and her business has evolved with it; whether that be expanding 波全部’s menu of classic Mexican dishes or securing a liquor license to serve up some of the best margaritas in the neighborhood.

“There’s five generations of us here and I want to stay,” she says. “我想让它继续下去.”

Visitors enjoy authentic Mexican food in San Francisco's 任务 neighborhood.


从颓废的巧克力到塞得满满的墨西哥卷饼等等, there are countless reasons to visit the 任务 on an empty stomach.



阿雷格里港位于瓦伦西亚街, one of the best and busiest stretches of the city for a fantastic night out with friends.



他们是否酿酒, 油漆, 或者厨师, these 任务 locals all agree on one thing: the 任务 is the 城市的中心.

In Nabeel’s opinion, the diversity of the 任务 is what drives it. “Just walking down the street, you’re going to hear different languages, different types of music. 这么小的空间里有这么多东西.”

“有很多跨文化的经历,”苏珊说. “你可以放松。. 你可以享受它. 你可以成为其中的一部分.”


For Amparo, there’s no overstating the value of the 任务—now, then, or in the future. “Without the 任务, San Francisco would not have its heart. 它会失去颜色. 它会失去生命. If Latinos continue to thrive here, you will always have a Carnaval. 你将永远有一个亡灵节. 你将永远拥有阿雷格里港. And you will always have wonderful people and families working together to make this a place where we can all thrive.



A crowd enjoys food and drink along San Francisco's Valencia Street


想要像当地人一样生活? 短期租金 Airbnb, VRBO, and other platforms are available in almost every neighborhood of San Francisco, 让你有一个更真实的体验. 为你的旅行风格和预算找到完美的选择.


泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, which means you can usually find him at one of 贝博体彩app的 many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油.